Category Archives: Unsorted Audio Dramas

Sherlock Holmes and Tolling Bell

For those few who aren’t familiar with it, the Sonic Society out of CKDU in Halifax, Nova Scotia acts as a showcase for the best in modern audio drama. Each week Jack Ward shows us how the Audio Drama form is not only still very much alive, but thriving in the internet age. They’ve been doing it for many years now, and each summer when CKDU is on hiatus they do a special internet-only program.

This Summer, Jack came up with the idea of inviting existing modern groups to do re-creations of some of our favorite OTR (Old Time Radio) shows from the classic age using our regular actors. In my case, I found a script online for an episode of the Sherlock Holmes OTR show that aired from 1939-1947, and being a Holmes fan I decided to produce it. These were “original” stories, as they ran out of classic Holmes stories pretty quickly, so it’s one I figured that most people had likely never heard.  After a quick (and quiet, since this was a “secret” project) session of casting I put the show together and it hit the web today. Enjoy!

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