You can’t keep your pet? Really?
Found on Craigslist. Excuse me while I go hug my dog… 🙁 You can’t keep your pet? Really? ~By a Shelter Director Our society needs a huge...
Telling Stories
Found on Craigslist. Excuse me while I go hug my dog… 🙁 You can’t keep your pet? Really? ~By a Shelter Director Our society needs a huge...
New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24 # "Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." –Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by...
New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17 # What an amazing film, probably the best I've seen this year– IP MAN TRAILER via @youtube #...
You know, if the Bees die, so do we. Honeybees’ alarming mortality rate leaves beekeepers looking for answers # New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10...
Thailand Elects hottest world leader on record- # Happy 4th to my American friends! # WIPO's Broadcast Treaty is back: copyright nuts want to steal the...
Got this in my mail today from JohnD, one of my fellow writers of Asian set fiction- I’m now accepting submissions for the Wuxia Fiction Anthology. Go...
Hollywoodonomics: how Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix "lost" $167M – Boing Boing # Ed Blake Park renewal dream realized – # An...
In an e-mail exchange today, my friend Don C. asked me a question, and I thought I’d share my answer. But it does raise some questions. How...