- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17 http://bit.ly/r2CrtH #
- What an amazing film, probably the best I've seen this year– IP MAN TRAILER http://t.co/tVS0Dzk via @youtube #
- Yep, looks about right- Currently reading http://t.co/X1wyGho #
- Bill Maher- let Quaddfi be the new leader of Afghanistan! His expertise is uniting tribes and crushing rebels. It's a total win-win! #
- They're predicting Humidex temperatures of 46 in London on Thursday, and 50 in Toronto- and that's Celsius, not Fahrenheit! #
- Quickly Expel Hot Air from Your Oven-Like Car with a Japanese Door Trick – @Lifehacker http://t.co/kCFVnKg #
- Boost Your Productivity: Cripple Your Technology – @Lifehacker http://t.co/wv3W6jp #
- BBC News – Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China http://t.co/LCSzjP0 #
- Aww, No! I grew up watching this guy!"@CBCAlerts: Former movie host Elwy Yost died-86. Hosted TVO's Saturday Night at the Movies 25 years." #
- We're under a tornado warning and the local tv station says "Tornado has touched down in Enter Location" thanks Corporate media! #
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