As will come as no surprise to anyone who was reading my posts yesterday, I’ve decided to take the plunge into writing serialized web fiction. At first I thought about writing Flash Fiction, and I may still try my hand at it, but for now I’m going to write serialized stories in a more normal mode. I find my productivity varies a lot recently, and I’m hoping that being forced to produce at least 1000 words a week of prose writing will help to generate some good writing habits once more!
So the plan is to put up a new part of the story of 700-1000 words in length each Monday morning on my new KFAT Fiction website- I plan to write a few shorter things first (20,000 words or so) and clear out a couple unfinished projects, and then move on to slightly bigger works. If I find myself getting too ahead on the writing side, I may start posting twice a week, but intially I’m just going to stick to once a week as I’m about to enter my most busy time of the year at work (Yay! September!) and don’t want to miss any postings unless I absolutely have to. (So the idea is to keep a couple episodes ahead at all times.)
For my first story, I chose to serialize The Inuyama Rebellion, which is an ongoing adventure story set in feudal Japan that I’ve half completed, and which I thought felt like a good fit for this kind of format. As it’s already partway done, I decided to put the first third of the story up on the site in handy bite-sized pieces to help give new readers a good taste of what to expect. These first eight pieces take us about halfway into the second “episode” of the version which has been heard on the KFATales audio fiction podcast, and I do eventually plan to finish the podcast version as well once the serialized version is done.