Rob’s New Podcast- The Department of Nerdly Affairs

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Hi All!

It’s been a while since I posted to my blog, some of which is because of the usual Fall craziness of being a teacher, but now I have another excuse! I’ve been working on a brand new podcast called The Department of Nerdly Affairs with one of my oldest and best friends, Don Chisholm. The podcast is a bi-weekly talk podcast (new episodes every second Friday) where Don and I discuss different aspects of “nerd” arts and culture from a Gen-X’er point of view.

What does that mean? Well, we’re not a “this week in geek” podcast where we discuss the latest news or anything like that, preferring instead to take an in-depth focus on a mix of arts, culture and history with a nerdly bent. Expect a lot of talk about writing, comics, role playing games, books, film, anime, TV, video games, tokusatsu, miniatures, audio drama, action figures, and pretty much anything else that can fit under the category of “nerdly”. While the first few episodes are just Don and I, we hope to bring in some knowledgeable guests to help us chat about some of the topics as well.

If this sounds like the type of show you’d be interested in, come check us out at! The first three episodes, on Writing Sci-Fi, Audience Expectations, and Nerdly Speculators are up as a starter pack for people to check out! We’ve got an episode about Satanism and D&D coming up, as well as a Star Wars themed episode in honor of the new movie. (We’re not a current events show, but this is Star Wars, after all!) You can also find our show on iTunes and many of the other podcasting directories.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be posting here from time to time, this is my home base. But if you’re looking for an extra helping of Rob’s take on things, then head on over to the podcast page and join in on the fun!



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