Amazing Spider-Man Lives Up to its Name!
Like most people, when I heard there was a new Spider-Man film my initial reactions were “why?” and “too soon”. I mean, it’s been less than a...
Viva Spider-Man 1989 fan film – YouTube
While we’re on the topic, I just stumbled across this little gem. Viva Spider-Man is a loving live-action re-creation of the old 1960’s Spider-Man cartoon down to...
Spiderman: The Green Goblin’s Last Stand
For my money, probably my favorite version of Spidey put to film isn’t the recent big blockbuster films, it isn’t even an official film at all! It’s...
‘Spider-Man’ flashback: Nicholas Hammond, reeling in the years
I never got to watch the live action American Spider-Man TV series when I was a kid because I didn’t know it was on when it aired,...