In honor of the Leviathan Chronicles reaching its season finale, I decided to make a point of giving it a listen and checked out the first Chapter. I don’t listen to as many new shows as I used to, and what I knew of the premise for this one didn’t interest me much. The moment I hear the world “immortal” in anything these days it gets the same reaction that the word “vampire” does- “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”. It’s like RAID for my interest- kills it dead!
However, now that I’ve given it a listen, I have to say that is one sweet piece of audio engineering! Really, it’s easily one of the best engineered things being done in audio drama right now- just gorgeous. Story-wise it’s tough to say based on one episode, especially since the first episode feels like Tom Clancy wrote it, but with a twist. Tom Clancy’s dialogue is awkward and wooden, but his narration is usually pretty solid if not fancy. Here, the narration is awkward and stiff (typical newbie AD writer issues with the narrator describing sounds to us, and giving us a lot more information than necessary- issues that I expect gets corrected later on after he got some feedback) but the dialogue is really solid and flows well. The acting is also good, and the actors well chosen for this roles.
I have to say, I’m intrigued by it, and it’s definitely getting a spot on my iPod playlist for the next couple weeks while I catch up. Not sure if I’ll like it or not once the actual story kicks in (we’re still in the introduction by the end of Chapter One), but it’s got my attention so far! (Which is more than I can say for a lot of AD after their first episode.)
One of my favourite shows alongside Twin Stars 🙂
Consistently excellent quality and yes, the narration pulls back later on.
I’ve not listened to the season finale yet though.