- RT @ebertchicago:The billionaire Puppet Masters of the Tea Party are farther to the Right than the naive TPs would dream. http://j.mp/doE4MC #
- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-29 http://bit.ly/cLGgRB #
- Something wrong with this image. Like seeing your father naked, or Santa Claus is Mr. Wilson from down the street-http://bit.ly/byaypE #
- RT @amcgowanca: "An open letter to London Transit Commission expressing concerns" http://bit.ly/ddGXmw #ldnont #yxu #opengov #
- The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. – Albert Einstein #
- Good advice on How to Be Creative- http://bit.ly/9Q8TQp #
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