- Sym-Bionic Titan is one of the most brilliant shows- ever! I can't believe how well done this thing is. #
- They just sync'd a teen girl's "singing in the rain"/I'm in love sequence with a giant robot fight to romantic 80's rock and made it work. #
- New post: Sym-Bionic Titan- Lessons in Love http://bit.ly/d8xdQA #
- Post Edited: Sym-Bionic Titan- Lessons in Love http://bit.ly/d8xdQA #
- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-21 http://bit.ly/9qrxv4 #
- It seems while I wasn't looking , in early November almost 3 years to the day it started, Kung Fu Action Theatre had it's 200,000th download #
- Well this could be a problem- North Korea attacks South Korea with artillery: http://bbc.in/i9sImT #
- Video of University Professor nailing a class of 200 students for cheating- http://bit.ly/eTaU3G #
- Found out last week that Fanshawe College has a Go club. Went and played with them last night- 2 wins, 3 losses. It was a blast! #
- World Record Panoramic Image- http://bit.ly/gh2nQS Just try zooming in on something and you'll understand. #
- "Every Anime Opening Ever Made"- http://youtu.be/ibPCLMH1NM4 Proof they're all just cut and paste jobs. #
- Giant Robot Spider Menaces Yokohama! http://bit.ly/hR3M4N For real! #
- Post I-Pad computing- Concept designs- http://bit.ly/fh20Er #
- China begins to use it's strangehold on Rare Earth Elements as leverage against other countries- http://bit.ly/eM55Gk #
- The war to get people to accept Climate Change has found it's champion- http://bit.ly/fGKtmo! #
- Cool pictures of retired aircraft- http://bit.ly/hS4Ph8 What's that in Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson's garden? #
- Whoa- amazing Cat Fight Video with an avian twist set to one of my favorite movie scores- http://youtu.be/LB-ptE51ofQ Epic! #
- あれ?まだ展開してなかったのか? RT @stcom: North Korea has deployed SA-2 surface-to-air missiles near its disputed Yellow Sea border http://bit.ly/hOAjDH #
- Great irony -Wikileaks to release a pile of US State Department documents Sunday night, and nobody will notice because of North Korea. #
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