- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20 http://bit.ly/glnFdl #
- New post: Thoughts on the A-Team Movie http://bit.ly/dISiEf #
- Epublishing Bingo card from John Scalzi – Boing Boing http://t.co/SlGBZmN #
- It's Muslims like Pakistani Actress Veena Malik who make me have serious respect for their religion and culture. http://t.co/1z6kijR #
- Ninja FAIL! http://youtu.be/HMlu7ZleclI LOL clips of Ninjas screwing up assassinations from the Shogun II video game. #
- The Mary Sue Litmus Test for writers- http://bit.ly/g7Ijpg #
- You shall not pass! #8 is my fav, but #1 ain't bad- http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-8-most-ridiculously-badass-protesters-ever-photographed/ #
- Walter B. Gibson, writer of The Shadow on Pulps, his incredible writing speed, and The Shadow in this amazing interview http://t.co/rWQcgnR #
- Great parody of Friday by Rebecca Black – Cover by Matt Mulholland http://t.co/KQZtrru via @youtube #
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