So what’s on the slate right now?
Well, I finally finished another D-Ranger adventure (La Belle Dame sans Merci) and have ideas for about 5 more of them, just need to get them written. Adventure Three (The Lost Broadcast) is about 60% complete at this point.
I’m 70% of the way through a Samurai adventure drama which has yet to be titled, but is a long one-shot which will probably come in around 60 minutes of show when it’s done. (I’ve been in a real Japanese/Samurai adventure mood recently which is likely to get stronger as I watch more Shadow Warriors! I bought the DVD box set recently and it totally rocks my box!)
Of course, the other Japanese-themed news is that starting in January the audiobook Warriors of Old Japan will be premiering on KFAT while I take a bit of a production release hiatus. (I’ll still be producing, but trying to get ahead of the game instead of releasing things that I’ve just finished a few hours before!)
Twin Stars Season 2 will premier in April 2009, after taking an appropriate break. I had planned to get much of it written this month, but have had to a do a little mental retooling and rethinking about where I want the story to go. Without getting too specific, Twin Stars was concieved as an epic war story, but is turning more and more into character-focussed adventure series, so I am having to rethink a few of my plans and how I’m going to present them. I’m also limited by time, since with 8-10 episodes a season and two concurrent storylines it limits what I can do. In any case, I will get the first two episodes of the new season done this month, hell or high water!
Other projects are in various states not worth mentioning at the moment since the episode Twin Stars finale is sucking my time like a vampire that hasn’t fed in 1000 years.