Well, FB has gone public, and the other shoe has dropped. The end of the free ride on Facebook has begun!
The number shown doesn’t represent the number of your fans online at the moment; it’s the abysmally small number Facebook bothered to publish in newsfeeds.
Yeah. You read that correctly. Most of your fans don’t receive your posts.
At all. In any way, shape, or form. Facebook is only sharing them with fans who repeatedly return to your page, post on your page, comment on your page, or otherwise engage on your page.In other words, the minority.
The following day, another tidbit appeared, just to the right of the scary percentage—a “Promote” button. Tap that, and you’re asked to pay for the rest of your fans to see the post.
Uh huh. Read that one correctly too.
Pay to post.
Not to advertise—to reach the fans you already have. The ones who thought clicking “like” added you to their newsfeeds.
via FB fans aren’t seeing your posts and how to fix it | The Always Upward Blog.
They never should have gone public.
Dumbest thing in the universe.
Word is, they had no choice. Once you have a certain number of shareholders (500, I believe) according to US law you’re required to act like a public company, and it costs so much you might as well go public.
Please sign the petition I started to Mark Z. asking him to change this and allow all fans of a Page to see that Page’s posts on their news feeds without the Page owner having to pay: http://tinyurl.com/FreeAllFBPagePosts. If enough people sign, he may do something to change it. He has done so in the past.