- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-02 http://bit.ly/eBPmaj #
- Romantically Apocalyptic- darkly funny and gorgeous webcomic- http://bit.ly/fa5ktN #
- How did I go 20 years of my life without knowing the sheer coolness that is City Hunter? Why did nobody tell me what I was missing? #
- New post: A new direction for a new year! http://bit.ly/e7eUJ1 #
- RT @JackJWard: The new Sonic Society. 4 Shows-Dreamcatcher, The Witch Hunter Chronicles, Dead Line Short and John Bell! http://bit.ly/ffWyYE #
- Currently reading http://www.cracked.com/article_18626_6-real-people-with-secret-identities-nobody-saw-coming.html #
- Google Ngram Battle- Samurai versus Ninja! Ready? Fight! http://t.co/rtNwFov via @orwant #
- Google Ngram Battle! Samurai versus Pirate! Ready? Fight! http://t.co/SGDhNLT via @orwant #
- Interesting thoughts on life in China for an American woman. Although the comments are the better part- http://bit.ly/f8mO5y #
- RT @strombo: Mass animal deaths have a lot of people freaking out, track the carnage with Google Maps..http://bit.ly/eOGME3 #aflockalypsenow #
- New post: The Great Tokyo Manga Kill-Off Begins! http://bit.ly/g48N92 #
- Post Edited: The Great Tokyo Manga Kill-Off Begins! http://bit.ly/g48N92 #
- Evangelion 2.0 You Can(not) Advance t will be playing for one night only at Silver City Thursday January 20th at 7:00pm. Get tickets now. #
- So we know what's killing the bees, but don't do anything about it because it might hurt profits? http://on.io9.com/dJjn8v That's just f'd! #
- Nervous and Excited! I just published my first Little Gou short story Hot Soup! on the Kindle. #
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